EastEnders Theme


During a demonstration at school today, the children asked us questions about the harmonica.

Normally they want to know the biggest harmonica in the world, how long it takes to learn, or what happens if you swallow one.

But would you Adam’n’Eve it? (believe it?). Today one dustbin lid (kid) asked if we could play ‘Stenders Theme (the theme to BBC TV’s EastEnders). Strangely it’s not summink we normally knock out, but per’aps we’d better oughta start.

Instructions for playing this tune are below. Remember the Purple music is for four hole harmonicas, and Orange music is for ten hole harmonicas. Roll aht the barrel! (more…)

Star Wars – May The Force Be With You!

Mmm…come to the Harp side you have!

One of our junior players asked if he can learn the Star Wars theme on his harmonica. We asked our good friend Chewbacca the Wookiee for help.

Chewy says you can play the theme on your harmonica. He sent us a lovely photo of his Rebel Alliance Harmonica Belt and a recording.

Instructions for playing the tune are below. Chewy has shown Darth Vader how to play too. You can see Vader’s dark-side harping below. Remember the Purple music is for four hole harmonicas, and Orange music is for ten hole harmonicas. May the harp be with you!

Too ta too ta Solo?

Each number tells you which hole to play. D means draw (breath in). B means blow (breath out). So let’s play. Click the green button under each chunk to hear how it goes.

1B   3B

2D   2B   1D   4B   3B

4B   6B

5D   5B   4D   7B   6B

2D   2B   1D   4B   3B

2D   2B   2D   1D

5D   5B   4D   7B   6B

5D   5B   5D   4D

1B   3B

2D   2B   1D   4B   3B

4B   6B

5D   5B   4D   7B   6B

2D   2B   1D   4B   3B

2B   1D   2B   1B

5D   5B   4D   7B   6B

5B   4D   5B   4B

May the Harp be with you!
Well done! Now put it all together again and show your friends, family and grown ups what you can do.

Lady Gaga Harmonica – Bad Romance

Gaga, ooh la la!

Here’s the one we promise to demonstrate at school…. but then we go and play Twinkle Twinkle instead!

So, just to prove you can play Lady Gaga on the harmonica, here’s the chorus to her hit Bad Romance.

Instructions for playing the tune are below. Purple music is for four hole harmonicas, and Orange music is for ten hole harmonicas. (more…)

This Old Man

This old man, he played three, he played short harp beautifully..

Welcome to the Toot Suite where junior harmonica players learn songs, check out top harmonica tips and share crazy harmonica facts that will amaze and amuse.

Here’s a tune everyone knows. It just uses three holes, but there are two jumps to learn for everything to sound right. Take your time. See how clearly you can play each note.

Purple music is for four hole harmonicas. Orange music is for ten hole harmonicas. Numbers tell you which hole to play. D means draw (breath in). B means blow (breath out).

Listen to the whole tune first. Play it a second time and try humming or singing along. Next, learn to play each chunk. Finally, put the song back together. See if you can play right through without stopping.

Here’s the whole tune. Click the green button to play.


Welcome to The Toot Suite

Where junior harmonica players make music

Toot Suite is the home of music, news and trivia for all children who enjoy learning the harmonica.

Toot Suite’s menus will guide you to loads of fun tunes, amazing facts and great ideas for building harmonica skills.

And as your playing develops, you’ll soon be ready to visit our specialist harmonica pages at the Harp Surgery. Let’s toot!